One wise man once said that in order to know where you are going, you have to first know where you came from. Don’t panic – this is the first and last philosophical sentence in this article. are some cool...or not so cool facts about tees.
1. Every year, all around the world 2 billion tees are sold.
2. The first promotional t-shirt was printed for the movie “The wizard of Oz”
3. The most expensive tee costs 1.275.000 $ and it belongs to a Canadian hockey player.
4. The world record for most T-shirts worn at once is 247.
5. Up until the 1950’s, t-shirts were still considered underwear, until John Wayne, Marlon Brando, and James Dean shocked Americans by wearing their “underwear” on T.V.
6. “t-shirt” didn’t become a word in the English dictionary until the 1920’s.
7. About 62% of Americans claim to own more than ten t-shirts in their wardrobe.